German factory orders slump in August


German factory orders slumped in August, as the Europe’s largest economy is losing momentum in wake of external uncertainties, official data showed on Monday.

Adjusted for inflation, seasonal and calendar variations, new orders in manufacturing decreased by 5.7 percent in August compared to July when orders rose by 4.9 percent, said German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) in Wiesbaden.

The drop was the biggest one since early 2009 and missed economists’ expectation of a 2.5 percent decline.

Foreign orders jumped by 8.4 percent, while domestic orders fell by 2 percent, Destatis said. Regarding foreign trade, new orders from outside the eurozone declined by 9.9 percent, while those from within the single currency area were down by 5.7 percent.

German Federal Economy Ministry attributed the weak orders partly to school holidays, but also acknowledged that “sluggish economic growth” in the eurozone and “economic uncertainties caused by geopolitical events” were behind the slump.

August orders were the latest data to show that German economy was losing momentum. Last week, a survey by Markit analysis group found that Germany’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) slipped from 51.4 in August to 49.9 in September, meaning that the manufacturing activities in Germany was contracting.

Earlier, data from Munich-based Ifo thinktank showed that German enterprises were pessimistic about economic outlook and confidence in September dropped to the lowest level since April 2013.

German government currently forecast German economy to expand by 1.8 percent this year. The country’s Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel, however, said in a recent interview that German growth might miss government’s forecast given the fact investment climate in Germany had been hit by the Ukraine crisis.

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5 Ways to Lead by Example at Work


As a leader of your business, you should send the right message to your employees, business partners, customers and colleagues. Your staff members and the people at your workplace are expecting that you will lead by example.

You may think that your work can speak for itself, but your professional image and everyday demeanor may not project the impression that you ultimately want.

Just as you make snap judgments every day about others, the people you come into contact with make assumptions about you based on each interaction. Use these five tips to ensure that your intentions are reflected by your actions:

1. Arrive to work early.

If you regularly show up late, your employees might assume it’s acceptable for them to do the same. In leadership, it’s important to eliminate the mentality of “Do as I say, not as I do.” Instead, exemplify the ideals and characteristics you’d like your employees to demonstrate when they come to work each day.

If you require members of your staff to arrive at a specific time, your duty as their leader is to arrive on time or earlier. The work ethic of your employees can be heavily influenced by your actions. If they see you hard at work bright and early every morning, they’re much more likely to mirror your behavior.

2. Embody your company’s brand.

Is your online image congruent with your personal brand? Set aside time to regularly update your blog, website and social-media profiles to be sure they accurately and positively reflect what your business is all about. Then make sure you and your employees continue to deliver on the promise of your company’s brand.

3. Dress the part.

What you wear is your personalized method of nonverbally presenting yourself to the world. How you dress and carry yourself can communicate to others that you are competent, knowledgeable, conscientious and powerful, among other things.

To dress the part, make classic wardrobe choices. Invest in quality clothing, create a consistent personal style and opt for an appearance that appropriately matches your business and industry.

4. Share the credit.

An entrepreneur cannot succeed by working solo forever. Collaboration is the key to success. You will quickly lose respect with your colleagues and co-workers if you tune them out and refuse to share the spotlight with them.

When you distribute the credit and shower people with praise, you’re much more likely to inspire and motivate them to do their best. Surround yourself with people who complement your strengths not just the ones who compliment you.

5. Fine-tune your listening skills.

Entrepreneurs need to listen to learn. Strive to become a better listener. If you’re tempted to glance at your smartphone each time it pings or vibrates, turn it off or leave it in your office. Practice patience and try to not interrupt when someone is talking. Be attentive, make eye contact, nod and ask pertinent questions. Insist that your employees follow your example. After all, courtesy and good manners never go out of style.

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Boosting Ecommerce Traffic: 3 Overlooked Strategies

Search engine optimization, AdWords, social media and online advertisements are all very common marketing strategies to drive traffic to eCommerce websites. But what if you are still not pulling the numbers you strive for? Efforts to boost website traffic (and thus, conversion rates) should not stop at these popular strategies. Take a look at some of these methods that can have a bigger impact on traffic than you may realize.

Reminders to existing customers
Capitalize on the customers you already have. If the relationship is managed correctly, these one-time purchasers can turn into loyal, repeat customers. During the checkout process, require buyers to include their email address. After that initial order confirmation, appear in customers’ inboxes on a regular basis. Offer exclusive discounts, free shipping or insider information with upcoming news to keep them invested and to remind them of your company and products.

Those considering email marketing should take caution, however. Sending too many emails in a short amount of time can annoy recipients and encourage them to flag the emails as spam, drastically damaging your reputation. Always offer an “unsubscribe” option at the bottom of each email. Not only is this good customer service, it also keeps you on the right side of the law. According to the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act, email recipients must be given the ability to stop receiving commercial emails. By not including this, you are performing illegal email marketing.

Move mobile
It’s crucial to make your online store available to consumers who are on the go. Whether you implement an app, responsive design, or mobile website, take all mobile devices into consideration. A PC, tablet and smartphone all possess different screen sizes and resolutions. By not optimizing the user experience for all technologies, consumers will be forced to pan, zoom and scroll extensively to fully view a business website. Requiring so much effort will frustrate prospective customers and drive them to your competitors’ sites.

Create “sharable” content
People like to share online content to entertain others, build awareness and grow relationships. To build upon these key motivations, consider an interesting infographic, funny animation or engaging video connected to your business or industry to encourage people to share across different outlets. If consumers find the content attractive enough, they will personally take initiative to publish it across various platforms such as social media channels, emails, forums and blogs. This can extend your business’s reach encourage viewers to learn more about the business.

Creating this content, however, can be challenging, however. If creative content is out of your comfort zone, consider hiring an agency. This step will require an investment on your part, but these firms are equipped with imaginative teams with the right tools to bring your idea to life.

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3 Steps to Happier Customers

Everyone has heard the saying: The customer is always right. But we all know real life isn’t that simple. For business-to-consumer companies that rely on regularly returning clients, the fine art of keeping these people happy can be a frustrating, confusing endeavor.

Digital companies in particular face unique challenges when it comes to keeping their customers content because there are few face-to-face interactions and a sale may often involve intangible products or services. What’s more, these companies also occupy an exceedingly social space where reviews are currency. Dissatisfied customers can quickly find a sympathetic forum for voicing their negative opinions loudly and anonymously.

How can a digital company maintain customer satisfaction with so many hurdles along the way? The answer is deceptively simple: Humanize your customer service. Just because a company may live in the cloud does not mean everything is or should be automated. Here are the practices I’ve found to be most helpful in maintaining customer happiness.
1. Don’t just be friendly. Be a friend.
Maintain a personality and have a conversation with your customers. Consider all the time you have spent in shaping a voice when selecting your logo and fonts and creating marketing materials. Why not apply this thinking to your customer service as well?

Bonobos, an ecommerce clothing company, offers one of the best examples of humanized customer service. Its customer service reps, called ninjas, transform shopping and the occasional refund into a virtually painless process. The company’s emails are fun and in sync with its branding. They are never patronizing or packed with legal mumbo jumbo.

The worst customer-service responses are canned and scripted. Hollow “insert name here” responses treat customers like another number in a support queue. When replying to a customer, ask yourself how you would approach a friend in need of assistance.
2. Quality and quantity.
Here’s a common scenario: A customer needs help and is complaining loudly. You’re scrambling to troubleshoot the issue as quickly as possible, but it’s taking longer than expected. What now? Instead of delaying a customer-service response because you don’t yet have the solution, take a few minutes to send an email apologizing for the issue, while noting that you’re hard at work getting to the bottom of things.

Who said you needed to accomplish everything in one email? Avoid generic responses, use your customers’ names and thank them for bringing a problem to your attention. Building a relationship so that each individual is acknowledged and treated like a person will only benefit your company. Check in frequently, be honest if there’s a delay and build rapport. These are all the steps of a company with a more humanized brand.

3. The Rule of 5.
Sometimes you will encounter an unreasonable customer, someone who will make it difficult for you to stay calm and not take things personally. Humans have that fight or flight response. When they feel cornered or attacked, they make snap decisions.

In the customer service world, snap decisions can sometimes result in the sending of angry, defensive emails that are almost immediately regretted. When I find myself on the receiving end of a vitriolic email, I take five: Some days that means resting five minutes. Other times, it means answering another five emails before drafting a response. The Rule of 5 lets you disengage and then return to your customer-service task when your fists aren’t up and ready to fly.

Humanized customer service has a philosophical core: Being human means that mistakes will be made. Accept this. There will be glitches, website downtime, faulty code and unreasonable customers. How you handle them makes all the difference.

It’s easy to panic when the complaints come rolling in and the angry emails start piling up. And it’s even easier to let your emotions take over and become annoyed and defensive in the process. Humanizing your response means acknowledging the issue with a touch of humility and maybe even some humor as well. Whether that means sending an email blast, posting on the company’s social media handles or replying to individual complaints, a human touch can make all the difference. After all, behind every computer screen is a person.

Ideally 95 percent of the time, your customers are happy and excited to continue with the company’s products or services. But when the remaining 5 percent of cases occur, you’ll be glad that you’ve already built a solid relationship with your customers so that you’ll be able to keep them onboard, even through rough waters. No two companies are alike, but these best practices can be adopted whether you’re at a large, established company or an early-stage technology startup.

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Watch Out Before Shopping for Leather Furniture

1) First & foremost, shopping for quality and value in home furnishings is about knowing exactly what you are paying for. With large swings in retail price points for living room furniture, it’s important to see past the commissioned salesman jargon and know exactly what you are getting for your dollar. Nowadays, cheaper manufacturers have found savvy ways to throw the word ‘leather’ around while meaning something completely different. The best course of action is to find an furniture store new you and always to ask a salesperson directly about the construction, fabric, leather, warranty, etc. and make sure that you are getting the straight talk that you deserve.

2) “Bonded Leather” – Bonded leather is a cheaper manufacturer’s first line of artillery in selling you the ‘look’ and ‘feel’ of leather for a “great deal”. Unfortunately, bonded leather is hardly leather at all—by definition, bonded leather has to be only at last 17% leather. As the infamous quote goes: “Leather is to bonded leather as chicken is to chicken McNuggets”.

When a leather cow hide is taken into manufacturing, cookie cutter like shapes are cut out of the hide to make panels that will eventually make the seat cushions, backs, arms, and sides of quality leather furniture. Like when you are cutting cookies, there will always be scraps outside the cuts of these panels that are too small to extract any further pieces. This is where bonded leather begins. These scraps are now ground up in a machine into even smaller mesh pieces. These pieces are then laid out in a long thing layer and then adhered together with a thicker layer of polyurethane (plastic).

While bonded leather, being merely a ‘leather product’, prices out (foot for foot) similar to a fabric—and in the sense may be more economical—it is unfortunately used all to often in misleading salesmanship as retailers may try to pass off bonded leather as the real thing in order to artificial inflate the perceived value of the product.

In reality, a person sitting on bonded leather is not sitting on leather at all, only plastic. And unlike real top-grain leather, the ground up hide and plastic will never acclimate to your body temperature or get better with age.

3) “Bycast Leather” – Bycast leather is what most people will consider the next step up (but only in the sense that you don’t have to refer to it as ‘bonded’ anymore).

Before a hide is put into production, the hide is cut horizontally into layers. These layers consist of the ‘top-grain’ (the top layer that maintains the actual ‘fingerprint’ of the cows hide and the layer that maintains pores where hair follicles used to be) and then every split below that.

Bycast Leather is most notably defined as a layer of split (often too thin or flawed for normal use) that, like bonded leather, is completely sealed on top with a layer of polyurethane. Like bonded leather, no actual point of contact between material and skin is real leather and therefore doesn’t demonstrate any of the same wear or comfort attributes of top-grain.

That being said, bycast can also still serve as an economical alternative to people wanting the look of leather without the price. Another benefit might be that bycast and bonded leather ‘wipe up’ and clean similar to real leather and you won’t run into many of the food/drink stain issues you may experience with upholstered furniture.

4) “Split” – As mentioned before, a split is merely the lower layers of a hide underneath the top-grain. A split is still 100% real leather, but does not have all of the same characteristic of top-grain due to processing differences.

When a split is made, it is initially light colored and ‘fuzzy’ on both the top and bottoms of the hide. As you can image on leather furniture, the traditional top-grain leather look has a rich smooth and soft ‘hand’ (or feel), has natural variations in color as a hide is a natural product and therefore withstands dyes differently by hide and thickness, and finally will have natural ‘pebbling’ (the unique bumps felt on leather that vary by where on the cow the hide was taken).

Because a split has none of these, the split must be process through various means to ‘simulate’ the appearance and feel of top-grain leather. Although the end result of a split is still 100% leather, softness in the leather is always slightly lost through the processing procedures and natural variations in color and pebbling are no long evident as these hides are run through a uniform ‘screen’.

5) “Leather Match” – Leather match is the practice of placing real, top-grain, 100% leather everywhere on a piece of furniture that you touch (ie. the seat, back-cushions, arms), but then replacing the side panels, back panels, and typically top-back sides of the back-cushions with a non-leather.

Most leather matches are vinyl on the back and side, in some cases you will see bycast or bonded on these parts. However, for many manufacturers who want to maintain the ability to say “all 100% leather”, they will used top-grain everywhere you touch, but then replace the sides and back with a split. Although this is a good, economical way to get 100% real leather on your furniture, there is evidence that I will address to support the benefits of matching both fronts and backs with the same product.

6) Real, top-grain is comprised of about 12-14% water. For this reason, top-grain leather acclimates quickly to your body temperature. Leather is a natural product and thus breathes like a natural product. Splits do not maintain this attribute and bonded & bycast leathers, with their top layer of polyurethane, will also not acclimate to your body temperature.

Many people who have experienced “sweating” on their leather and are therefore turned off by the idea of leather furniture actually are referring to a leather ‘product’ like bonded leather or vinyl. Still is especially true in car seats that sit out in the sun for hours at a time.

7) The Natural Patina of Leather – The sun is harsh. And brutal UV rays can have a measurable affect on many natural products. Leather is no exception.

Over time, large amount of direct sunlight on leather furniture will gradually change the hue of the leather furniture—espcially on parts of the leather furniture that are more exposed than others. That being said, different materials ‘patina’, as it’s called, at different rate. Top-grain leather will change colors differently than splits, splits differently than bycast leather, bycast differently than bonded, and bonded differently than vinyl.

This is where the importance of steering clear of ‘leather match’ is made evident. As quality leather furniture may be in your home a much as 2 decades, what started out as a subtle variation in color from the back and sides at first will eventually grow farther apart.

8) Drying out – As mentioned before, top-grain leather is typically between 12-14% water. Over exposure from the sun on your furniture or keeping your furniture maintained in a room that is not normal room temperature increase the risk of your furniture drying out.

As a leather hide is porous, it is possible for the water found within the hide to dissipate and leave your furniture dry or even pealing. To avoid this, make sure to keep you furniture at room temperature, out of UV’s if at all possible and condition you furniture twice a year with either a special leather conditioner.

9) Envision you room before you buy—although leather living room furniture is universal in many regards, keep in mind that tying in the right lighting and décor can seem like a mountain. Since you are trying to avoid excessive UV light from the sun, moving your furniture away from a window and finding the right accent lighting may be the best bet. Find a good source for designer lamps and decor and plan your room long before you make you first furniture purchase. You’ll thank me.

10) In the end, just ask the right questions and know what you’re talking about, so a commissioned sales person won’t think they can pull one over on you! If you’re in the market for leather furniture, you’ll see a lot of the faux leathers at stores like Ashley or Rooms-to-go, which is fine if you are looking for a more economical way of getting the look and feel of leather–but I’d check out a local furniture dealer that carries some of the manufacturers I listed. Palliser and Omnia are even both U.S.A. Made…Which as you know is becoming more and more rare. Good hunting!

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Statistics of USA Importing non woven bag in 01 2014

  • According to the statistics of Hua Jian Institute (, the total import volume of North America of non woven bag product in 01 2014 accumulated 18434 KG with exporting suppliers 6 and North American purchasers 6.
  • 1、Places of Origin of North America Importing non woven bag
  • Places of Origin of North America Importing non woven bag (TOP 5):
  • Place of Origin Weights(kg) Market Shares
    China (Mainland) 718535 3897.9%
    India 703943 3818.7%
    Singapore 192763 1045.7%
    Pakistan 140249 760.8%
    Oman 93306 506.2%
    Total 18434 100%
  • A chart as well as brief analysis can be obtained from above data as follows:
  • 1.1 As per Weights, TOP 5 Places of Origin as follow:
  • Weights (KG)Place of origin statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 201401-2014WeightsChina (Mainland)IndiaSingaporePakistanOman0k500k1,000k

  • non woven bag product is mainly imported from China (Mainland),
  • 1.2 As per Market Shares, TOP 5 Places of Origin as follow:
  • Place of origin statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 2014China (Mainland): 38.9 %India: 38.1 %Singapore: 10.4 %Pakistan: 7.6 %Oman: 5.0 %
  • China (Mainland),India,Singapore,Pakistan,Oman, are 5 main places of origin of importing non woven bag product in North America, accounting for a proportion of 10029.3% of the total market shares.
  • 2、TOP 5 Purchasers in North America
  • The following charts show Importing of non woven bag product of North America in 01 2014 and its TOP 5 Purchasers based on the calculation of Weights.
  • Purchaser Weights(kg) Market Shares
    KUSHA INC. 789116 4280.8%
    PEGASUS MARITIME,INC 233555 1267.0%
    STRAIGHT FORWADING,INC 138824 753.1%
    APEX MARITIME CO, INC. 119419 647.8%
    KUSHA INC 106601 578.3%
    Total 18434 100%
  • 2.1 As per Weights, TOP 5 Purchasers as follow:
  • Weights (KG)Buyer statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 201401-2014WeightsKUSHA INC.PEGASUSMARITIME,INCSTRAIGHTFORWADING,INCAPEX MARITIMECO, INC.KUSHA INC0k200k400k600k800k1,000k

  • The largest purchaser is KUSHA INC. of total volume 789116 kg; followed by PEGASUS MARITIME,INC of 233555 kg.
  • 2.2 As per Market Shares, TOP 5 Purchasers as follow:
  • Buyer statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 2014KUSHA INC.: 56.9 %PEGASUS MARITIME,INC: 16.8 %STRAIGHT FORWADING,INC: 10.0 %APEX MARITIME CO, INC.: 8.6 %KUSHA INC: 7.7 %PEGASUS MARITIME,INC
  • KUSHA INC.,PEGASUS MARITIME,INC,STRAIGHT FORWADING,INC,APEX MARITIME CO, INC.,KUSHA INC, are 5main purchasers of importing non woven bag product, accounting for a proportion of 7527% of the total market shares.

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Statistics of USA Importing non woven bag in 01 2014

  • According to the statistics of Hua Jian Institute (, the total import volume of North America of non woven bag product in 01 2014 accumulated 18434 KG with exporting suppliers 6 and North American purchasers 6.
  • 1、Places of Origin of North America Importing non woven bag
  • Places of Origin of North America Importing non woven bag (TOP 5):
  • Place of Origin Weights(kg) Market Shares
    China (Mainland) 718535 3897.9%
    India 703943 3818.7%
    Singapore 192763 1045.7%
    Pakistan 140249 760.8%
    Oman 93306 506.2%
    Total 18434 100%
  • A chart as well as brief analysis can be obtained from above data as follows:
  • 1.1 As per Weights, TOP 5 Places of Origin as follow:
  • Weights (KG)Place of origin statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 201401-2014WeightsChina (Mainland)IndiaSingaporePakistanOman0k500k1,000k

  • non woven bag product is mainly imported from China (Mainland),
  • 1.2 As per Market Shares, TOP 5 Places of Origin as follow:
  • Place of origin statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 2014China (Mainland): 38.9 %India: 38.1 %Singapore: 10.4 %Pakistan: 7.6 %Oman: 5.0 %
  • China (Mainland),India,Singapore,Pakistan,Oman, are 5 main places of origin of importing non woven bag product in North America, accounting for a proportion of 10029.3% of the total market shares.
  • 2、TOP 5 Purchasers in North America
  • The following charts show Importing of non woven bag product of North America in 01 2014 and its TOP 5 Purchasers based on the calculation of Weights.
  • Purchaser Weights(kg) Market Shares
    KUSHA INC. 789116 4280.8%
    PEGASUS MARITIME,INC 233555 1267.0%
    STRAIGHT FORWADING,INC 138824 753.1%
    APEX MARITIME CO, INC. 119419 647.8%
    KUSHA INC 106601 578.3%
    Total 18434 100%
  • 2.1 As per Weights, TOP 5 Purchasers as follow:
  • Weights (KG)Buyer statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 201401-2014WeightsKUSHA INC.PEGASUSMARITIME,INCSTRAIGHTFORWADING,INCAPEX MARITIMECO, INC.KUSHA INC0k200k400k600k800k1,000k

  • The largest purchaser is KUSHA INC. of total volume 789116 kg; followed by PEGASUS MARITIME,INC of 233555 kg.
  • 2.2 As per Market Shares, TOP 5 Purchasers as follow:
  • Buyer statistics of US Importing non woven bag in 01 2014KUSHA INC.: 56.9 %PEGASUS MARITIME,INC: 16.8 %STRAIGHT FORWADING,INC: 10.0 %APEX MARITIME CO, INC.: 8.6 %KUSHA INC: 7.7 %PEGASUS MARITIME,INC
  • KUSHA INC.,PEGASUS MARITIME,INC,STRAIGHT FORWADING,INC,APEX MARITIME CO, INC.,KUSHA INC, are 5main purchasers of importing non woven bag product, accounting for a proportion of 7527% of the total market shares.

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Ciqem是短暂的中国认证优质出口制造商。该M2B平台www.ciqem.com拥有一批生产100%由中国政府(国家质检总局)及其旗下品牌为“监督QEM “。作为全球领先的M2B在中国,提供优质的产品在中国和认证取得中国生产商,中国所有制造商在该平台由QEM(优质出口制造商)认证。









“QEM”品牌有利于买家的采购重点; 基于真实的进出口贸易数据分析服务,帮助供应商采取行动,目标买家为看清在一分钟内市场“晴雨表”; 验证买家的购买行为和偏好在三分钟; 并清楚地看到竞争对手在三分钟内提供的行为。


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New Zealand manufacturing holds expansion course despite April slowdown

Growth in New Zealand’s manufacturing sector slowed last month, but it still remained in solid expansion, according to the latest performance of manufacturing index (PMI) out Thursday.

The BNZ-Business New Zealand PMI for April was 55.2, down 2.8 points from March, on a scale where above 50 indicates expansion and below 50 contraction.

The April figure was similar to results of the last eight months and was maintained a run of expansion for 19 straight months.

BNZ economist Doug Steel said in a statement that a relatively high number of public holidays had contributed to the April slowdown, but the trends were strong and especially so in employment.

“Buoyant construction and agriculture sectors look supportive on the demand side,” Steel said.

Four of the five seasonally adjusted main sub-indices were in expansion in April, with production at 55.3, deliveries at 55.3, new orders at 55.2 and employment at 54.5, while finished stocks at 49.3 was the only index to show contraction. 


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Find Buyers and Suppliers From Your Industry Through B2B Marketplace

The Business to business (B2B) marketplace is an online community where manufacturers, suppliers, buyers, partners etc from all over the world gather together to communicate, collaborate and conduct business transactions. As today’s digital trend has been changing the way we do business, more and more companies have started to realize the importance of online exposure and new transaction channels, thus the B2B marketplace has fulfilled their needs by providing more business opportunities with more profitability through the E-commerce platform on internet.

Benefits for using B2B marketplace:

The global B2B marketplace provides more business opportunities in an easier way. No matter which country or time zone you are in, your service and product on the B2B marketplace can be seen by specific targeted audiences from all over the world. Meanwhile, if you want to browse companies from different countries or industries, you can do in just a matter of seconds. E-commerce on a B2B marketplace is helpful for operational efficiency and reducing costs. The digitalized B2B platform is able to make some processes which required manual and labour intensive before much easier now, such as strengthening customer relationships, communicating with others, approving buyer registration, delivering service or product information, RFP etc. Sophisticated webpages on a B2B marketplace platform are able to display comprehensive product and service features which helps buyers to make a faster purchasing decision. The B2B marketplace can shorten sales and transaction cycle with its ability of electronic procurement. B2B marketplace also works as business community where you can get insightful updates about your industry and latest information about business deals, networking events and industry tradeshows across the globe. It helps to build a strong customer relationship. The mission for B2B marketplace is to enhance the customer experience during the purchase process, and this can be achieved by improving the design for company profiles to provide rich page displays, targeted dynamic content and convenient search capabilities. While instant messaging service or help and guide function is also important.

Here are some great tips for about how to make the most out of your B2B marketplace

Make it speedy to market you new products by launching the product catalogues online, rather than doing the offline product roll-out. Take the online advantages to market products to new geographies or industries, because E-commerce helps to reduce risks and costs for entering new markets while having a strong presence in the targeted market. Determine what kind of services and products appeal to which market and what kind of customers while using cross-selling or up-selling techniques to direct buyers to additional products. Choose the right approaching channel on B2B marketplace to engage with customers. For example many customers may not want to speak to sales people, then companies should conduct multichannel approach, such as newsfeed, email, newsletter or instant message etc to see which one the costumers prefer.

How to find buyers and suppliers in your industry on B2B marketplace:

Most of the global B2B marketplace site is designed for buyers and suppliers easily searching and networking with each other, thus they all have very simple and clear search function and page navigation. For example on BusinessVibes, after you register and create your company profile, you can search for global companies, associations and events by industry or countries all according to your preference.

After register, you can edit your company profile to make sure while you are searching for others, other companies can find yours. Browse the list of industries to see how many industries are covered on this B2B marketplace, and how they are categorized, then choose the most accurate industry description you wish to see. You can also browse companies either by industry, country or popularity; click on the company you wish to network with, then you will get a comprehensive set of information about this company on its profile, including the contact details. Or you can just search for buyers or suppliers on Search Bar, and narrow your search results by choosing industry, country category or keywords Once you find the company you are searching for, than you can connect with that company via their profile for more instant and exclusive activities, such as message exchange, RFP, purchase, sale, news/feed tracking, documents share etc. Stay connected, and enjoy your business growth.


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